Please allow 3-4 days to process your order. Expect an email within 4 days to let you know your order is on the way!
Orders are generally shipped within 3-4 days using a local or international courier. Flat rate shipping fee of HK$30 applies to orders shipping within Hong Kong and Macau.
We offer international shipping outside of Hong Kong.
Shipping charges for your order will be calculated and displayed at checkout.
Shipping times for international deliveries can be 8-20 days, depending on the country and delivery location.
Your order may be subject to import duties and taxes (including VAT), which are incurred once a shipment reaches your destination country. Michelle Brits Atelier is not responsible for these charges if they are applied and are your responsibility as the customer.
We accept returns up to 14 days after delivery, if the item is unused and in its original condition, and we will refund the full order amount minus the shipping costs for the return. No refunds or exchanges are available for on sale or discounted items.
In the event that your order arrives damaged in any way, please email us as soon as possible at with your order number and a photo of the item’s condition. We address these on a case-by-case basis but will try our best to work towards a satisfactory solution.
If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at